DALF C1 online preparation workshop
Do you have a C1 level and want to get a very good result in the DALF C1? Take part in our DALF C1 online preparation and pass your exam successfully thanks to the guidance of Alliance Française French teachers, DALF C1 experts.
Pass the DALF C1 thanks to the personalised advice of an expert teacher
Take the C1 exam with confidence thanks to individual preparation with your teacher coach
Prepare for the C1 exam in a methodical and progressive way according to your availability thanks to the online course specially designed by the Alliance Française
Exam preparation
The online DALF C1 preparation workshop consists of 8 preparation units that you can complete in 4 or 8 weeks depending on the time you have to prepare for the exam.
Each week, you complete the DALF C1 preparation activities of one or two units of our online DALF preparation. Then you meet your teacher to review your progress and practice for the DALF French oral exams. Each week, your dedicated teacher corrects your written work with recommendations to improve your writing and pass the DALF C1 written tests. Weekly training at your own pace with DALF exercises and activities to prepare you efficiently for all the tests. Practice each week at your own pace with DALF French exercises and activities and prepare effectively for all the tests
This course is available in either 4 weeks or 8 weeks depending on your exam date.
The DALF C1 preparation course includes :
- A detailed presentation of the DALF C1 exam with the skills and knowledge required to pass the exam (grammar, lexicon and expected communication acts) and a detailed explanation of each test
- 8 units of preparation for the exam, i.e. approximately 70 hours of learning
- 18 methodology sheets targeting written comprehension, oral comprehension, written production and oral production
- For the 4-weeks DALF preparation course: a 30-minute individual meeting with your teacher-coach to work on oral production. And receive advice on how to prepare for and pass the exam
- For the 8-weeks DALF preparation course: a 15-minute individual meeting with a teacher each week to work on oral production.
- Correction and advice from an experienced teacher on a written production task each week
- A comprehensive mock exam at the end of the course
- A module dedicated to the synthesis of documents, one of the most difficult parts of the exam, with a methodology sheet and examples
- A module dedicated to the acquisition of vocabulary on the 7 most common themes of the exam
- A complete cultural and linguistic immersion with additional links to radio and television programmes, newspapers, literature and comics
- Progress monitoring with an estimate of your score for each unit and for the mock exam
DALF C1 Preparation Course 4 weeks: 16 hours of work per week + individual coaching of 30 minutes per week + correction of your writing (2 tasks per week) by your teacher coach
Coaching with your teacher: between 5pm and 6pm (French time) once a week.
Preparation DALF C1
Dalf C1 preparation, for French exam, online workshop, courses and practice online with a french teacher Alliance Française
Firstly, French courses online. Secondly, learn French with a teacher from the Alliance Française Montpellier. Also, Courses online to improve your level. In order to pass your exam.
Preparation DALF C1
All the more, learning French online. As a matter of facts represents an amazing work opportunity. Consequently, our courses online, available everyday enable you to learn French wherever you are. Moreover, Alliance Française Montpellier is a very good school to learn French.
Preparation DALF C1
Although, living an immersion in France is the best solution to improve efficiently your level of French. Therefore following our online intensive French courses will also be very usefull. Basically, learn French in France. And also, obtaining your DELF B2. On top of that, you will receive a certificate from the Alliance Française Montpellier at the end of your training.
Before French courses in France. Besides, improve french level. Especially to suceed in your French exam. Finally, the courses at the Alliance Francaise Montpellier. In order to learn French in France.