Speaking French
Speaking French has never been easier
Alliance Française Montpellier answers your question how to speak French fluently!
Firstly, learning French in a French language school like Alliance Francaise is a guaranty of sucess. If you choose your French language school well, the learning of French will be much easier. That being said, it is important to find a French school that answers successfully the question how to speak French fluently.
Secondly, speaking French fluently is a goal that can be achieved only guided by professional French language teachers like Alliance Francaise’s. Moreover, if you would like to learn to speak French rapidely, you need a proven learning method. For this, Alliance Francaise is a pionner French language schoo. Indeed, our French teaching method allows you to practice French speaking from the first day of your learning.
Thirdly, learning and speaking French in France with Alliance Française will allow you to immerse yourself in the French language and culture. Our team n Montpellier south of France, will be guiding your progressively to be at ease with French speakers.
Finally, we will give you all tips so that you start the process of speaking French easily!

Alliance Française Montpellier
- Alliance Française Montpellier belongs to the renown network of Alliances Françaises. The French language schools that exist all over the world, in 133 countries and count half a million of students.
- Professional, high-qualified and experienced teachers. Our French language school counts with a very professional teaching team that has a long lasting experience teaching French to all nationalities.
- International staff. The team that works at this French school has been there from the very beginning, is always there to welcome new students and respond to all questions. The Alliance Française Montpellier team speaks 8 languages all together and has a humane touch that makes all the difference. That is because we all care!
- Situated in Montpellier, near the Mediterranean sea. A city that has 300 sunny days a year, is based in a region known for its historical and cultural heritage. Montpellier was founded in the 10th century and its status of an university city owes to the Faculty of Medicine from the 12th century.
- Culture, culture, culture. Vibrant and dynamic city of Montpellier has a lot to offer! Our cultural team has many different propositions for you every single day!
- Accommodation for all needs and budgets. Weather you wish to stay in a family homestay, hotel, studio, apartment or a students’ residence, we will have the right formula for you!

Fall in love with the process
Learn to speak French will not always be the easiest thing to do.
That is why it is important to find a strong reason why you are learning it! If it’s for work, pleasure, for the love of French culture, you need to understand why and clearly remember it during your process.
There are many good sides to learning French. Did you know that French is an official language in over 25 countries around the world? You will be able to speak to many more people, you will be able to read the classics, have a special bond with the French culture.

Speak from day one!
It is extremely important to start speaking French from the very first day when you start learning it!
Do you feel afraid that you will feel ridiculous? Speaking French is a task that will need you to get physical while learning French. If you wish to know to answer to the question how to speak French fluently, here it is! Involve your body in learning French! Feel free to explore the sensations on your tongue while pronouncing the French words. The good thing is that it gets easier over time! Do not just listen! Speak French, get involved!

Be in touch with native speakers
Accents, like in any language, can vary. That is why it is important to get used to different accents in French.
The best option is to find a French native speaker and start listening and speaking French with them. Your teachers in your home country might have an accent and that is normal, however for speaking French it is essential that you listen to native speakers.

Alliance Française has a solution
When you start learning French, you will probably stumble upon Alliance Française.
Most of the students that learn French, learn it with one of the Alliance Française. It is because most people discover with it how to speak French fluently. If you are serious about your process and if your wish to learn to speak French, the best thing would be to find an Alliance Française.

Alliance Française Montpellier
Since learning French in your home country can be a long process, Alliances Françaises in France have very interesting programs that allow you to learn French fast.
Alliance Française based in Montpellier has a key for your success. It has a lot of interesting programs that suit everyone’s needs and levels. Moreover, its French classes are intensive which will allow you to learn French fast. You can get to an advanced level in only 6 months!
Its highly effective method will allow you to speak from the very first week of your stay.
Since you will be in France, you will meet natives very easily. Our cultural team will make this possible for you and if you choose an accommodation in a host family, you will be sharing your meals with French people. Yours is to choose!