Learn french in France

French language lessons in France

Learning French in an efficient way

Do you wish to study French in France? Embark on an adventure and take French language lessons in France!

For this reason, we propose French immersion programs with French language lessons in France. CLearly, they will make your stay in France unforgettable.
Since French learning in France is much more efficient, French language lessons in France are conceived for those students that wish to study French. In your country you might need a minimum of 3 years to obtain the advanced level. That is why by studying in France you will need between 6 months and a year.

Alliance Française Montpellier, a French school, has French classes that are adapted to all needs, levels and ages.

Our French language school belongs to the network of the schools Alliances Françaises that exist in 133 countries around the world.

Learn French in the most welcoming city in France
french language school


  • Sunshine all year round: sunny cafés and terraces, gourmet restaurants, small squares to wander around, Montpellier cultivates the way of livig à la française”.
  • A city and region with a rich heritage: Montpellier, a medieval city, has an outstanding historical heritage in a region rich in UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Lively city close to the sea: next to the Mediterranean Sea, our beaches are easily accessible.
  • City of culture and leisure: lively day and night, concerts, festivals, theatre, cinema, dance and sporting events!
french language school

Alliance Française Montpellier

Our French language school is a part of a world wildly known network of French language schools.

These French schools exist in 133 countries around the world and have over half a million of students.
Our Alliance Française Montpellier offers French language lessons in France to students that wish to learn French in perfect conditions. And what a better way than French learning in France!

french classes

Quality French lessons

French language lessons in France as a better way to learn French.

Alliance Française Montpellier has programs that adapt to all levels, ages and objectives for learning French. That is why our French language lessons in France are developed for fast learning. We have a special French methodology called “actionnelle’’ for learning French that allows students to start speaking French very fast. By being fully immersed in French language and culture you will learn French even faster and better.

alliance francaise

French language lessons for all

You need to learn French for studies or for your work?

Only for pleasure or going to university? We have developed a lot of new programs that meet your specific needs. That way we have French for business, French for university studies, French for exams, French and cultural discovery and much more.

french language courses

Learning French through its culture

The French language stay is complete only if there are cultural visits.

Alliance Française Montpellier offers you incredible guided visits that will allow you to get to know Montpellier and its region.

french language lessons in france

French language lessons in France

Learn French in France

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Learning French in an efficient way

Do you wish to study French in France? Embark on an adventure and take French language lessons in France!

For this reason, we propose French immersion programs with French language lessons in France. CLearly, they will make your stay in France unforgettable.
Since French learning in France is much more efficient, French language lessons in France are conceived for those students that wish to study French. In your country you might need a minimum of 3 years to obtain the advanced level. That is why by studying in France you will need between 6 months and a year.

Alliance Française Montpellier, a French school, has French classes that are adapted to all needs, levels and ages.

Our French language school belongs to the network of the schools Alliances Françaises that exist in 133 countries around the world.

Learn French in the most welcoming city in France
french language school


  • Sunshine all year round: sunny cafés and terraces, gourmet restaurants, small squares to wander around, Montpellier cultivates the way of livig à la française”.
  • A city and region with a rich heritage: Montpellier, a medieval city, has an outstanding historical heritage in a region rich in UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Lively city close to the sea: next to the Mediterranean Sea, our beaches are easily accessible.
  • City of culture and leisure: lively day and night, concerts, festivals, theatre, cinema, dance and sporting events!
french language school

Alliance Française Montpellier

Our French language school is a part of a world wildly known network of French language schools.

These French schools exist in 133 countries around the world and have over half a million of students.
Our Alliance Française Montpellier offers French language lessons in France to students that wish to learn French in perfect conditions. And what a better way than French learning in France!

french classes

Quality French lessons

French language lessons in France as a better way to learn French.

Alliance Française Montpellier has programs that adapt to all levels, ages and objectives for learning French. That is why our French language lessons in France are developed for fast learning. We have a special French methodology called “actionnelle’’ for learning French that allows students to start speaking French very fast. By being fully immersed in French language and culture you will learn French even faster and better.

alliance francaise

French language lessons for all

You need to learn French for studies or for your work?

Only for pleasure or going to university? We have developed a lot of new programs that meet your specific needs. That way we have French for business, French for university studies, French for exams, French and cultural discovery and much more.

french language courses

Learning French through its culture

The French language stay is complete only if there are cultural visits.

Alliance Française Montpellier offers you incredible guided visits that will allow you to get to know Montpellier and its region.

montpellier france

Let's go!

I build my own programme

French courses

I want to study French in France

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I learn more about my French school


Alliance Française Montpellier

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French language lessons

Alliance Francaise

French courses in France

French lessons in France


In the first place, french language school Alliance Française has a wide range of French language lessons. In addition, french courses in france are very well organized for the students that wish to learn french in montpellier.


Alliance Française

French language school

French immersion


Secondly, Alliance Francaise Montpellier is based in Montpellier france. Moreover it allows students to study french.


French courses for adults

French for beginners

Alliance Francaise France


Thirdly, french language lessons in France are conceived for students that learn French in Montpellier. Although, Alliance francaise french language lessons are important, there are also french classes in France.


French language school

French classes in France

Alianza Francesa

Cursos de frances


In order to have excellent french language lessons in France, we also need french lessons. In addition, corsi di francese in Francia sono importanti. That way french language lessons in France are held in small groups.



French language schools france

French language lessons in France

Alianza Francesa


In conclusion, french courses for adults are a part of french language lessons in France. Besides, french classes are a very important part of Alliance Francaise  french learning.